
Seven of Wands Card Meaning

Seven of Wands_photo

Seven of Wands

This card is associated with courage, resilience, challenges or upholding your own beliefs. It also expresses a powerful character, even if the person experiences too much pressure. The seven indicates the development of professional skills, the need to control yourself and your feelings.  Deep analysis and understanding of events will help you better master new tasks and not miss a profitable opportunity. Try to relax, release tension, and concentrate on yourself. Make a list of wishes and tasks, and start with the essentials!


Upright: luck, determination, success, victory, struggle for love, relations attacked by others,

Reversed: depression, scandals, business, failures, stagnation, self-harm, 

Seven of Wands Upright

The destiny may test you on skill, courage and determination. You are likely to make a fortune in a game or lottery. This person is full of activity and action. Such people often use methods where there is no aggression. This person is always in motion, develos new professional skills in order to progress. Hence, there is an approval and recognition of others. You have all the chances to succeed in business. At the same time, you will have to face overcoming obstacles, little income.

Seven of Wands Reversed

You now go through a difficult life period, including indecision, intransigence, waste of energy, anxiety and as a result - monetary losses. The person feels helplessness and incompetent, because of focusing exactly on physical and emotional desires, such as cravings for drugs or alcohol. All of these factors lead to anger, stubbornness, frequent scandals, self-harm. The lack of a systematic approach creates many problems and ends up with chaos and confusion.

Seven of Wands in Love

Upright: The meaning of the Seven of Wands in love is an indication of a period of desperate struggle. Perhaps the questioner will fight for the love and attention of a particular person, or maybe for the preservation of a relationship that has cracked. In any case, a straight card will portend victory if a person correctly applies their internal resources. Sometimes this card shows that the relationship itself is being attacked by others, envious, unfriendly relatives, rivals. Possible future of the doomed relationship.

Reversed: You are likely to lose your partner due to your fear to make a step during misunderstanding. This person suffers from many scandals and quarrels with loved ones. Your relationships currently experience bad times. Pull your wits together and try to reach a compromise.

Seven of Wands in Career

Upright: This person is engaged into constant rivalry: at work, while studying or simply while socializing. You are used to handling the problems on your own because of your self-confidence: your opinion is the best. Nevertheless, this card usually promises success. Such people can perform sporting activities and earn money.

Reversed: The reversed card essentially means the same thing as the direct one, but success for a person in this case won’t be guaranteed: either opponents will be stronger, or the questioner  won’t have enough professional qualities to achieve the desired result. 

Seven of Wands in Finances

Upright: Your luck will help in business, put in just a little effort and change your way of life. You are at the pinnacle of strength. No doubt, success in business is waiting for you if you make enough efforts. 

Reversed: If we are talking about a financial situation in a reversed position, then this is a profit that flies out of hands at the last moment, because a person has not tried enough. Concentrate on your aim and be vigilant.

Seven of Wands yes/no

It indicates a hazard that may bring serious consequences. Such threats stem from a range of sources, but most often these are envious people or competitors. However, since someone experiences a feeling of discontent about our achievements, it means that we are initially in a winning position. In this sense, the card does not directly promise success but says that we have very good chances. Therefore, the card should be considered as a warning omen, as well as a yes answer to your question. Remember that your beliefs might be seriously criticized, sometimes, we will have to defend them. But in someone else's opinion, you should not try to look for rationality because it is based rather on emotions. This person is not looking for the truth and is not trying to convince you of something, but just wants to confuse you.


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