
King of Cups Card Meaning

King of Cups_photo

Revealing the Tarot mystery: how to interpret King of Cups

King of cups upright Meaning

Trying to understand and interpret the Tarot card King of Cups, it should be noted that generally, it carries a positive message for those who seek life tips and guidance.  It is about unbroken peace which is always inseparably linked with a state of mind when a person is being absorbed in own deep thoughts, as well as about strong determination in action and wisdom in decision making. 

King of Cups is the prominent and powerful card that symbolizes the desire to gain new experience and secret knowledge, to return to the origins of our being, to merge with the Universe in order to finally understand who we are. Harsh and difficult times come to an end, you have overcome all obstacles. Nothing will prevent you from thriving, growing, and developing.

King of cups reversed Meaning

You may be involved in some kind of scandal, deception, or fall victim to fraudulent behavior. There is a high chance that you could lose something significant. Try to make decisions on your own, do not allow others to manipulate you. King of Cups Tarot card warns about a person who spreads rumors that can harm your reputation. Other imperative meanings of the upside-down position which should not be overlooked and given special attention: 

  • loss;

  • manipulative behavior;

  • despair;

  • scandal, deception;

  • bad advice;

  • immaturity;

  • betrayal, violence;

  • self-deception;

  • bad intentions.

The card can be a signal of serious internal problems, the loss of control over your feelings, deep concerns and worries that lead you astray.

King of Cups in Love Reading

Upright: bright and joyful period awaits you. You not only enjoy life but are also able to help other people find joy. You feel a desire to help, especially your loved one. You transform from an ordinary partner into a best friend who can be trusted with the most intimate secrets. Details that were previously hidden are revealed to you. Now, you understand your partner much better and are able to help solve problems. With King of Cups, all past troubles and misunderstandings are left behind.

King of cups reversed love: in this position, the card is a bad omen that probably indicates dishonesty of your partner with a desire to achieve certain goals despite your emotions and feelings. 

When Asking About king of cups career

Upright: the period when you want to create has started in your life. There is a desire to execute an ordinary routine task in a new style, using all the acquired skills. Probably, you are tired of your previous job and want to change your profession. It is where you can get free from stereotypes and established frames and, gaining total freedom of mind, follow your heart.

Reversed: you experience strong fatigue and a lack of strength, your career path is full of challenges, and the job you perform brings no satisfaction. Having King of Cups Tarot card inverted means you must rethink your goals in terms of your career. 

When Asking About king of cups finances

Upright: you can expect a desired gain and profit in business. But only if you won't take up too many duties and will delegate tasks smartly. 

Reversed: don't listen to others’ advice and instructions, as such a strategy will lead to failure. Also, be extremely careful, as King of Cups brings troubles and conflicts to work and warns about possible huge losses related to money.

King of Cups yes/no

This sign is about the burden of responsibility that is within one's power. The most imperative qualities for such a person are wisdom, full growth of feelings, and confidence in the chosen path. Their basis is a blend of firmness of character and a peaceful attitude to current harsh events. But at the same time, excessive temper, emotionality, and sensuality can become a hurdle to achieving peace of mind.
Most likely, this is a sure sign of a person’s lack of emotional maturity. This is a signal that you can be manipulated by others easily and these foes will take advantage of the situation, will use you at their own discretion, and benefit from it. The card advises you to finally take responsibility for your own well-being and stop relying on others. The answer is rather unclear.

FAQ King of Cups Tarot card interpretation

  • What does the card mean in reading Rider-Waite?

    It is a symbol of striving for independence, spiritual freedom, unity with inner energy. Only those who know how to listen to the inner voice will be able to get into the very heart of the Universe, learn its secrets, and reach the desired heights.

  • What is shown on this card?

    A king sits on a throne that floats in the turbulent sea. The man holds a goblet in his right hand and a scepter in his left. A gold chain with a fish around his neck is depicted on the card.

  • What is this card by number?

    The card has the number 14 in the Minor Arcana sequence in the Cups suit.

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