
Probable development of the situation: The Sun

straight up meaning

  • key words: happiness, fulfillment, warmth, success, truth
  • interpretation:

    • hey, you're gonna feel super happy and satisfied with life
    • there will be a nice warm, optimistic feeling surrounding you
    • any problems you've got? they're gonna get sorted and the future's looking bright
    • any lies or deception out there? they're gonna get exposed, truth will prevail

when it's upside down

  • key words: disappointment, pessimism, challenges
  • interpretation:

    • life might seem a bit down, not as fulfilling or happy as you'd want
    • you might be seeing things through a bit of a negative lens right now
    • there could be some obstacles or challenges on your plate
    • remember, though, to always look on the bright side. tough times are just a phase, they'll pass soon!
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