
Probable development of the situation: The Chariot

The Chariot

So, let's talk about The Chariot card, okay? When upright, it's got a bunch of really cool meanings.

  • One of the biggies is victory, like, triumphing over hard times, you know?
  • Then we've got control, willpower, and good ol' self-discipline.
  • Talking about personality, this card represents strength of character and a will to push through.
  • Also, it hints at a focused drive towards your goals.
  • Finally, it's all about positive results due to your hard work and diligence.

However, when we reverse The Chariot, the meanings completely twist around.

  • You may start seeing aggression and a certain lack of willpower.
  • We also stumble upon inner battles and self-sabotage - not so pleasant, right?
  • Things also involve obstacles that stop you from overcoming difficulties.
  • Last, but not least, reversed Chariot asks for some self-reflection and a hint at personal growth.
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