
What to do to win this person: Coffin

Revealing The Coffin Card: A Tale of Ends and Changes

Hello there, fellow tarot enthusiast! Let's talk about the Coffin card. This inspiring little deck member stands for big life endings and major changes. It's a symbol of upheaval, transformation, and breaking free from old habits. Doesn't that just blow you away?

So what's it signalling when it turns up in a spread?

  1. The End of an Era: This card points to an important phase or relationship drawing to a close. It's that sigh of relief when you finally wrap up a big project or the bittersweet feeling as you say goodbye to something familiar.
  2. From Ashes to Life: Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the card signifies death and rebirth. It's about tearing down the old to make space for something new. Sometimes, change is the only way to grow.
  3. Let's Talk About Feelings: When you see the coffin card, it's time for a little emotional housekeeping. Time to let go of those emotional cobwebs and feelings that aren't serving you well.
  4. Facing the Monster Under Your Bed: Yep, it's about diving deep into your psyche and confronting your darkest fears. Don't run from them. Embrace them, understand them. That's the only way to truly get to know yourself.

And there are some real-world events too that this mystical card points toward.

  • The earth-shaking experience of losing someone you love or attending a funeral
  • A sudden job loss or swerve in your career path
  • The heart-wrenching end of a long-term relationship or marriage
  • Onset of health problems or physical struggles

Not everything about the coffin card screams doom, though.

Look at the silver lining -

  • That every end is really just a new beginning waiting to happen
  • It signifies a period of growth and discovering hidden parts of yourself
  • It's about letting go of toxic relationships or emotional baggage

Sure, it has its downsides too -

  • An abrupt, painful loss
  • Resistance to change and denial of self-evolution
  • Emotional stalemate and depressive episodes

To ride this wave, you're gonna need to remember a few things.

  • Accept the endings gracefully. It's futile to hold on to what's already slipping out of your hands.
  • Be open to the changes coming your way. See them as opportunities to grow and evolve.
  • Reach out for support when things get too overwhelming. Talk to loved ones or seek professional help.
  • Always prioritize self-care. There's nothing like nurturing your soul to keep your strength intact.

There you have it, the coffin card in all its daunting glory. Remember, it's all about embracing the old, ringing in the new, and most importantly, growing from the process. Happy reading!

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