
What to do to win this person: Garden

hey, here's the scoop on the garden lenormand card:

  • it's all about making new friends and experiences.
  • ever dreamed of meeting your prince charming or cinderella at a bustling event? pairing this card with a people card or a heart could mean just that!
  • its vibes also points towards a sturdy and lasting relationship, where respect is more significant than full-on passion.
  • the good news is, now is a pretty good time to jump into the whole romance thing.

but flip the garden card and you might wanna be careful:

  • be on guard about giving out too much of your personal info out there for everyone to see.
  • remember, too much of everything is bad - including public exposure of your love life. so, keep things private to keep your relationship intact.
  • and avoid putting on a show of a picture-perfect relationship when it's not really so.
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