
Expected additional difficulties: The Hermit

The Hermit Card

Alright, let's talk about the Hermit Card. When this card shows up upright, here's what you need to know:

  • It's all about seeking knowledge, diving deep into wisdom and understanding
  • It symbolizes the role of a teacher, guiding and imparting lessons
  • This card also suggests a time of introspection, taking a step back to think and reflect
  • Lastly, it nudges you towards actions that align with your inner self, echoing your inner thoughts and values

On the flip side, though, if the Hermit Card appears reversed, here's what it's trying to tell you:

  • Watch out, it's a warning against becoming an extreme loner, encouraging some social interaction
  • It emphasizes the need for balance between self-reflection and being with others
  • The card cautions not to get too lost in self-doubt or insecurities, remember to reel yourself in from time to time.
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