
Obstacles: The Devil

The Devil

Upright meaning:

The Devil is all about:

  • bondage
  • materialism
  • addiction.

When the Devil card shows up upright, it’s time to confront the darker corners of your experiences. It often represents feeling trapped, maybe by your own choices or habits that aren’t serving you well. This card can signify an unhealthy obsession with material goods or pleasure-seeking behaviors, like overindulgence in substances or other forms of escapism. It’s a heads up that you might be holding yourself back by clinging to what's comfortable but harmful.

Reversed meaning:

When the Devil shows up reversed, it might mean:

  • liberation
  • recovery
  • self-awareness.

The Devil card turned over marks a turning moment. Freeing yourself from bonds is the goal. Conquering addictions, bad habits, or poisonous relationships with the reversed Devil shows that you have the strength and willpower to do so. It shows self-awareness and personal progress when you discover and eliminate bad habits. It powerfully reminds you that you can change your path.

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