
Influence of the present on the situation: The Chariot

The Chariot

Upright meaning:

The Chariot is all about:

  • victory
  • accomplishment
  • determination.

When The Chariot appears upright in a spread, it's a message of mastery and resolve that will help you overcome obstacles. As you persevere through challenges and stay focused on your objectives, this card will encourage you. Because keeping your determination and focusing your energy in the right places makes success not only conceivable but likely.

Reversed meaning:

When the Chariot shows up reversed, it might mean:

  • hostility
  • lack of willpower
  • inner obstacles.

When turned upside down, The Chariot can represent internal strife or opposition from without. Possibly you're not being disciplined enough, or you're using too much force when a gentler approach would be more appropriate. If you see this card in reverse, it's a reminder to examine your own goals and plans and to make sure that your inner drive is in harmony with, rather than at odds with, the obstacles you'll face.

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