
Unused: Dog

Friends to Lovers, Maybe?

Hey, guess what? The Dog card in an upright position is hinting that a great friendship might just turn into a love story. You know, the type of friendship that's all about looking out for each other and being willing to put the other person first. But, let's not jump the gun. Sometimes, this card just refers to a beautiful friendship, where love isn't really on the cards.

Unloved and Betrayed

On the flip side, if you get the Dog card reversed, things are looking a bit gloomy. It could be talking about someone who's head-over-heels for you, and you, um, don't really feel the same. Or it could be a love story that's painfully one-sided, a story where you're all loved-up, and they're just... there. Either way, it's not good. It leaves you feeling duped, heartbroken and seriously questioning things.

Your destiny is being desided right now...