
The main concern of the questioner: The Tower

The Tower

Upright meaning:

The Tower is all about:

  • disruption
  • chaos
  • revelation.

Prepare for rapid changes when The Tower card stands straight in your spread. This card depicts a major change. It's like the universe tossing you a curveball that could upset or confound you. Breakdowns sometimes lead to fresh growth and better systems. This indicates that you should expect the unexpected and embrace change.

Reversed meaning:

When the Tower shows up reversed, it might mean:

  • resistance
  • inevitability
  • resilience.

Flipped around, The Tower tells you that a problem you're avoiding is likely inevitable. Like hoping storm clouds will go away—they won't. Instead, this reversed card advises you to gather your strength and prepare. You must find your footing when things go apart. Remember to adapt and be resilient. You must face the storm, but you're stronger than you believe.

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