
The main concern of the questioner: Justice


Upright meaning:

The Justice embodies:

  • fairness
  • accountability
  • consequences.

It looks like you've found Justice. This card is all about making fair choices. It's a gentle warning to think about what will happen if you don't think things through. Also, if someone hurts you, you can be sure that justice will be done.

Reversed meaning:

The Justice upside-down in your reading may indicate:

  • unfairness
  • avoidance
  • legal issues.

But what if Justice appears upside down? It's like a wake-up call, urging you to face the music and take responsibility for your actions. Dodging your duties won't do you any favors, my friend. And if legal matters are involved, brace yourself for a less-than-ideal outcome.

Your destiny is being desided right now...