
The Devil – How you feel about yourself

Holding Down the Fort: Say No to Temptation & Amp Up Your Confidence

C'mon, we're all human. When a temptation so awesome comes strutting your way, it's hard not to let it sway you. But hey, each time you do, it bites you back, doesn't it? So, here's the deal:

  • Ask yourself - "Why am I going for it?" Often, the answer might warn you of a not-so-happy ending.

Bolstering your self-esteem can be a game-changer in your life. Trust me on that one. However, acknowledging that your self-esteem might not be as high as it could be is the first step. Here's how you can go about it:

  • Cut yourself some slack when self-doubt creeps in. Instead, lay the focus on stuff you're ace at.
  • Keep your spirits high and believe that nothing is impossible.
  • Who says it's too late to change? Change the rules of the game, anytime you feel like. Remember, new directions can open doors to opportunities you never knew existed before.
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