
What to do to win this person: Stork

The Upright Stork

Let's get into the nitty-gritty of what the Upright Stork represents.

  • Change is afoot: This could be something big stirred up by your other half. Maybe they've planned a surprise trip or made some life-changing decision.
  • Love from abroad: You could be heading for a romantic encounter with someone from an entirely different culture or maybe from far, far away.
  • A fresh start or a new bundle of joy: This could mean the birth of a baby or the start of something completely new in your life.

Now, if we mix the Stork with some other stuff, here’s what we might get:

  • Pair Stork plus Ring, and you might have a wedding on the cards, a formal engagement or even and a soul-touching promise coming your way.
  • Team Stork with Child and it could signify that you better get the nursery ready because there might be a baby on the way!

The Reversed Stork

Now, let's flip the stork over and see what's up.

  • Mending broken bridges: There's a chance for you, yes you, to patch things up with someone. It seems they're putting in the effort to get back in touch.
  • Blast from the past: You might have an unexpected ex or old friend popping back into your life, and they may even stir up a whole new chapter for you!
Your destiny is being desided right now...