
Expected additional difficulties: Judgement

Straight-Up Judgement

So, when you're dealing with Straight-up Judgement, here's what you can expect:

  • It's all about thinking things through and weighing up the options
  • It could mark some kind of major breakthrough or life-changing moment coming your way
  • And it's super important to take a good, long look in the mirror before making any big, life-altering decisions.

Flipped Judgement

Now, on the flipside, dealing with Flipped Judgement is a bit different:

  • You gotta watch out for being too tough on yourself or casting too harsh a judgement on others
  • It's key to take a moment to really soak in and reflect on what you've recently been through and what you can take away from it
  • And you don't wanna ignore what you've learned - it's gonna be crazy important when you're making your next big moves.
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