
Differences in worldviews: Mountain

the upright mountain card

so, what's it about?

the upright mountain card popping up usually means there are some tough times ahead, especially when it comes to relationships. it's like a signal that lovebirds are struggling to understand each other and have hit a bit of a wall. they might be growing apart or the spark might just not be as bright as it once was.

the nitty-gritty:

  • problems and misunderstandings: this card's all about pointing out the stuff that’s causing trouble in paradise. it's like a neon sign saying that communication's kind of a headache right now and bonding emotionally feels like trying to climb a mountain.
  • feeling a bit out of touch: it's suggesting that maybe one or both people in the relationship just don't feel as close as they used to. it’s like there’s a break in the emotional WiFi and they're missing out on that understanding and intimacy they once had.
  • sometimes, it's about distance: occasionally, the upright mountain card's hinting at an actual separation or a gap in the relationship, either emotionally speaking or a physical distance. you might be dealing with a stint of being apart from one another.

the reversed mountain card

what’s the scoop?

when you see the reversed mountain card, usually it's implying that one person's kind of pulling back, maybe avoiding chatting about things. you're looking at a partner who's gone a bit radio silent.

breaking it down:

  • keeping secrets: this card's suggesting that maybe someone’s hiding their true feelings or their real intentions. it’s like they’ve put up a barrier and they're holding back on opening up.
  • seeing things differently: the card could mean that you and your partner are not quite seeing eye to eye – like you're looking at the same painting but interpreting it in two completely different ways.
  • the usual day-to-day grind: in some cases, the reversed mountain card's a sign of a rut phase where every day’s a carbon copy of the previous one. it’s like the relationship’s in standby mode and that thrill and go-with-the-flow nature have been replaced by meh.
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