
What to leave unchanged: The Lovers

five of cups upright

  • harmony, trust, and unity in relationships: think tight friendships, transparency, and a sense of understanding that runs deep
  • close and intimate relationships: you're looking at love that's intense, on an emotional and physical level
  • choice between mutually exclusive options: it's the kind of junction in life, where you have to make a tricky call
  • development of personal beliefs: it's all about finding your true self and standing your ground

five of cups reversed

  • internal conflict and disharmony: we're talking inner battles, indecisiveness, and a whole lot of confusion
  • relationship pressure due to disharmony: stress, tension, and lingering conflicts in your relationships
  • breakdown of communication: this one's about struggling to express and understand one another, causing more than a few misunderstandings
  • avoidance of responsibility: it really is about shying away from owning up to your actions or duties, which can lead to feelings of guilt or regret
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