
What should be changed: Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

Ah, the Wheel of Fortune card, it's a wild card now, ain't it? Let's first talk about how it behaves when it's upright:

  1. Pretty much screams at you and says "brace for positive changes, buddy!"
  2. It's like your own personal leprechaun promising good luck.
  3. Tells you to prepare for a major turn of events or that golden opportunity you've been hunting.
  4. Mercilessly shoves you toward change, but in a good way. Trust me!

But it ain't all sunshine and rainbows! Flip the card and it's reversed side ain't pretty, let me warn you:

  1. It's like you're stuck in quicksand and just can't seem to get out.
  2. Makes you feel like you're on an obstacle course with hurdle after hurdle.
  3. It's as if you're a dude struck in a motionless hamster wheel (no fun).
  4. Or it could just be telling you to rethink your timings or wrap up some unfinished business that's still lingering around.
Your destiny is being desided right now...