
What should be changed: Death

the upside-down meaning:

Got a couple of ideas to keep in mind:

  1. changes and finishes: this is all about embracing change for the sake of growth and fresh starts
  2. evolution or rebirth: be sure to let go of old ideas and habits, and welcome new views
  3. kicking out bad behavior: it's about time to put an end to harmful patterns, and that's a movement towards growth

flip-side understanding:

A few other things you ought to know:

  1. the scare of the new: many times, we resist changes even when they're for our good, and that's how we get stuck
  2. stuck in a rut: holding on to ideas or acts that are already past their sell-by date will only slow down your progress
  3. caution: repressive patterns have a knack for causing harm, putting restrictions on opportunities
Your destiny is being desided right now...