
Problems in the coming communication: Stork

upright stork

  • big changes: think your partner planning a surprise getaway, something totally unexpected and exciting
  • long distance love: falling head over heels for someone who isn't conveniently local, but hey, that's what makes it adventurous, right?
  • a new chapter: pregnancy or childbirth could be a horizon, fingers crossed!
  • read between the lines: there's more to the story with the surrounding cards. for instance:
    • stork + ring: better start planning that wedding!
    • stork + child: there might be a baby on the way

reversed stork

  • mending bridges: a shot at patching things with a friend or a loved one you had a fight with
  • blast from the past: buckle up, as someone from your past might unexpectedly pop back into your life
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