
Problems in the coming communication: Cloverleaf

What this card might mean:

  • a short and sweet love story: What this card is hinting at is a passionate, yet short-lived romance. Don't count on it becoming a forever thing, but such encounters can be precious and memorable to the ones involved.

What the love story could look like:

  • a wild ride: Your romantic encounter might be marked by a whirlwind of intense feelings and a now or never kind of urgency.

  • out of the blue: Chances are it's going to take you by surprise, happening quickly and without much of a heads up.

  • joy in the moment: Even though it's not going to last forever, this romance can bring happiness, a genuine connection, and a sense of fulfillment to those involved.

What happens when the love story ends:

  • lasting impressions: Even after things wind down, it's probable that it'll leave both individuals with fond memories and lasting impressions.

  • doors wide open: Having gone through this experience, you might find yourself more willing to embrace new romantic opportunities should they show up in the future.

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