
Problems in the coming communication: Garden

Straight Up

Let's chat about the Garden card from the Lenormand deck, shall we? This card is all about defining fresh bonds and making new acquaintances. When it's flipped with a numbered card or the Heart card, you feel like you're in a love story, public declarations of romance style.

It's not all hot and heavy though. This card leans towards a respectful, dependable relationship rather than the breathless passion we're used to seeing in films. It's a great omen for romance. Quite the signal to get those love wheel's turning!

Upside Down

On the flip (pun intended), an upside-down Garden card isn't your best friend. It's saying, "Hey, your relationship's in the spotlight and not in a good way". You know those lovey-dovey social media posts we're all guilty of? Yeah, they've morphed into too-public reality show from your cozy, private love nest.

Looks like over-sharing isn't always caring, huh? Too much public affection means attracting some seedy connections that are as real as a three-dollar bill. Long story short, your authentic connection's headed down the drain.

Your destiny is being desided right now...