
Problems in the coming communication: Whip

not seeing eye to eye

  • crossed wires and mixed signals can cause confusion which might wreak havoc on friendships
  • reading into things and making a mountain out of a molehill can turn a simple chat into a juggling act
  • one person's jam might be another person's poison - every individual ticks differently and this can stir things up

love's a rocky road

  • having feelings for someone who's just not that into you, two-timing, or feeling like you're invisible can all spell disaster for a love story
  • marching to a different drumbeat can spark clashes and disagreements
  • if the faith fades, the backing wanes or the passion cools, the love may not last

drama alert

  • spilling the beans on secrets or touchy subjects can make big waves for folks and their connections
  • if the word gets out, it could mean loss of reputation, trust and even legal woes
  • scandals can take a heavy toll on everyone in the picture, resulting in mental stress and burnt bridges
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