
Influence of the present on the situation: The High Priestess

unveiling the high priestess

In her upright stance, the High Priestess brings some profound insights. Here's what she whispers:

  • don’t ignore your gut, it's often smarter than your brain
  • tap into your spiritual side and embrace the wisdom it offers
  • explore the spooky world beyond what we see and touch
  • the answers you seek? they’re hiding inside you, you've got to dig them out
  • stepping into the unknown can be scary, but trust your instincts, they’ll guide you

let's flip the script, the high priestess reversed

When the High Priestess is playing coy and comes in reversed, here’s what's up:

  • pushing down your instincts? bad move! they've got something to tell you
  • feeling all sorts of mixed up? you may need to rethink a few things
  • if something doesn't make sense, ask! chase that clarity
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