
Influence of the present on the situation: Justice

On What The Justice Card Signifies

Alright, let's dive right into the meanings of the Justice card.

When the Justice card is drawn upright, it could signify:

  • being on the right side of truth and fairness (the notion of karma, if you will)
  • taking the time to make careful decisions
  • fair and unbiased judgments making an appearance
  • justice is (finally) being served
  • a kind of cautionary tale on doing things that can harm yourself or others

If the Justice card shows up in the reverse, it paints a slightly different picture. It might signify:

  • taking responsibility for your actions
  • turning a blind eye to repercussions
  • falling into a pattern of denial or escapism
  • facing unfair or disagreeable outcomes in legal matters
  • making decisions impartially

Remember, these are just guides. The meaning of the cards can vary depending on your personal experiences or situation. Don't be afraid to trust your intuition to interpret them.

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