
Unused: Mountain

mountain tarot card

upright meaning:

  • challenges ahead: get ready for some speed bumps in your life. shit can get rough, especially in relationships. misunderstandings and unknown factors might muck things up.
  • distance or loss of emotion: it seems like some of you may have lost that warm fuzzy feeling; you're not as close as you used to be.
  • unbreakable barriers: it's as if there's this giant wall separating you lot. no matter what you do, you can't find a way to get past it.

reversed meaning:

  • one-sided avoidance: it feels like one person is ducking the other in this equation. they're trying to reach out but you're swerving them.
  • differing perspectives: maybe you're not seeing eye-to-eye. everyone's got a different take on what's going on.
  • unfulfilling routine: your day-to-day life might start to feel like groundhog day. and not in a fun, Bill Murray kind of way, more like boring and annoying.
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