
Final outcome: Justice

The Justice Card

What it Means When it's Upright

Here's a bit of a rundown on what the Justice card stands for when you draw it in the upright position:

  • it's all about truth and fairness
  • it calls for unbiased judgment
  • it's a sign that actions can have consequences
  • it's a promise that justice will prevail, especially when there's been wrongdoing
  • it's like a caution sign --- a warning that if you act carelessly, there might be damage done

The Flipside of it - Reversed Meaning

Now, let's flip that card over. When you see the Justice card reversed, here's what it could mean:

  • perhaps it's time to take some accountability
  • maybe you're avoiding responsibility, which is something to watch out for
  • again, impartiality holds importance
  • it might predict an unfair or unjust outcome when it comes to legal stuff.

Remember, these are just general interpretations. Always go with what resonates most with you. People read cards differently and that’s okay. It’s all about what it sparks in you.

Your destiny is being desided right now...