
The main concern of the questioner: The World

The World

Upright meaning:

The World is all about:

  • completion
  • fulfillment
  • integration.

When The World appears upright, it's like popping champagne after a big win. You've reached a turning point of fulfillment. Imagine completing a jigsaw puzzle or breaking the marathon tape. Everything seems right—like you're in rhythm with the cosmos and everything fits perfectly. It's time to celebrate your accomplishments and anticipate fresh opportunities.

Reversed meaning:

When the World shows up reversed, it might mean:

  • unfinished
  • incompletion
  • lack.

Now, in this inverted position, The World card signifies that you feel you have unfinished business or incompleteness. Despite all your efforts, there may be a certain void or a disappointing sensation that won't go away. It's a calm signal to be still, to review, and then to pinpoint where attention or even closure is needed.

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