
The main concern of the questioner: Temperance


Upright meaning:

The Temperance is all about:

  • chill vibes
  • balance
  • middle ground.

When Temperance shows up in your reading, it’s all about staying cool, calm, and collected. This card screams balance and finding that sweet spot in any situation. It’s a nudge to keep patient, see things for what they really are, and make sure everything’s ticking along nicely. It’s also about getting along with people around you by maintaining that zen attitude.

Reversed meaning:

When the Temperance shows up reversed, it might mean:

  • out of sync
  • unbalance
  • disarray.

Flipped around, Temperance feels a bit off. It might be a sign that something in your life is not lining up right. Whether it’s your emotions, work, or relationships, there’s a sense of imbalance that needs addressing. This card reversed is a heads-up to check in with yourself, realign your priorities, and find your footing again to restore harmony.

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