
The main concern of the questioner: Judgement


Upright meaning:

The Judgement is all about:

  • clarity
  • transformation
  • purpose.

When the Judgement comes up straight in your reading, picture it as your alarm going off. It's time to wake up and start living your real life's message. Dealing with your past and making big choices for the future are what this card is all about. Think about your past, learn from it, and then make the changes you need to make to get the future you want.

Reversed meaning:

When the Judgement shows up reversed, it might mean:

  • doubt
  • procrastination
  • stagnation.

Reversed, Judgement suggests you might be putting off important decisions or not facing what you need to change. It can mean you're stuck in a rut, not quite ready to deal with the past, or too hesitant to step confidently into your future. Give yourself a nudge. Acknowledging what scares you can be the first step to overcoming it.

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